About Us

One Country Two Systems Research Institute

The One Country Two Systems Research Institute (the Institute) is a privately-funded research institute founded in 1990 by individuals of social standing who are concerned with the well-being of Hong Kong. It is registered in Hong Kong as a non-profit-making company with limited liability, and is granted the status of a charitable organization of public interest by the Hong Kong Government.


  • An non-government public policy research institute of Hong Kong
  • A non-government, public organization
  • Non-profit-making
  • Not affiliated with any political party or political organization, nor participate in political or electoral campaigns

Credo and Working Principles

  • Hong Kong is part of China and should strive together for prosperity and development.
  • The Institute upholds the principles of “One Country Two Systems”, High Autonomy for Hong Kong, Hong Kong People Ruling Hong Kong and supports the Basic Law.
  • Hong Kong should work incessantly for its own good, develop its own community and maintain close links with the international community.

Recent Research Projects

2023年9月7日,一國兩制研究中心與廣東省粵港澳合作促進會、互聯網專業協會、香港資訊科技聯會舉辦發佈會,聯合發佈《發展香港先進製造業 構建大灣區世界級創科產業鏈》研究報告。
In recent years, Hong Kong has an ambition to become an international technology and innovation...
Under the development initiative of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GHMGBA), establishing a mutually...